Need Input: Photo Sharing?

As of you guys might know, I decided to get into photography. After a good month getting use to snapping photos, I have a lot of photos which have edited and uploaded. The problem with photo sharing is I am adept at where in the cloud I should put my photos. I do have a Google account as well as a private Facebook, no where I really want to showcase my work. Even with either of those, I feel like I’m working with a hard file size limit since my Canon spits out 2-5 MB JPEG files and it does take a lot of downsizing to get it to upload.

So consider this post a bit of reaching out for suggestions of where I can upload my stuff. I would like somewhere I can public post stuff and able to have the community comment. Much like WordPress or YouTube, but for photos. A few preference I would like would be to have a service which doesn’t restrict much on file size and account capacity such as a maximum amount of storage or a weekly upload capacity as a free user. I want no pop-up and a website which looks to focus on the content than to the ads to support the site. Might be a tall order for the latter but I would like to hope for something worth using out there.

I do like my friends commenting on my photos but I would like a more unbiased reviewer. Who’s more unbiased than the unforgiving place that is the Internet?

Generically Made In China

This week I’m having a string a bad luck, more than usual considering how my luck has been over the last few years. When the world throws so much at same time, it does feel these events have created a rough moment. Hopefully if I catalogue it all, I would feel better about it. If not, I hope someone out there can comfort me and let me know.

Starting with the start of this week. I always check my calendar for holidays. Since my family home doesn’t have TV, I rely on my Google account for a lot of things that may seem trivial. So on my calendar it said it was “Family Day”. In Canada, it’s a statutory holiday in early February as a way to let people spend time with friends and family. With each holiday celebrating on certain days, names and setting the date, this is where it gets tricky. The Family Day listed for this week was for the folks in British Columbia and I live in the place that is not British Columbia. When I went to work the next day, I was confused when my co-workers asked where I was yesterday. I sure got a talking to when I realized a missed a day of work. I was indeed furious since at the moment I cannot be wrong. Working at the moment is important for me; priority one: work butt off since I need the money to do things. Missing a day could mean less for me some day in the future. It’s not much but it’s better than nothing at all.

On the Wednesday, I started to do some housekeeping. Okay not necessarily housekeeping (Though I should do some of that as well), but I had paperwork I have to do on a monthly. So when I was done printing and filing, I had to head out to the post office. I realized it’s time to file for taxes. Not sure where you folks are but here in Canada, we have to report our T4 slips. T4’s is a document form your employer that indicates to the government you work there and you have paid towards certain social services and made contributions to these programs. So for me to receive my T4, I have to be at work; which I missed. You can say I can drop into work next week; I say to that, “Family Day”. Yup, the stat holiday I thought happened this week is next week so I won’t be able to receive my slip until two weeks time. Which sucks because after my troubling times in high school, I like to try and stay on top of my paperwork as much as I can before it all stacks on me.

To top it off, my generically built AC adaptor for my laptop has finally bust. After being slid, dropped, overheated, abused, misused and mistreated over the years I’ve had it, it’s finally unable to do what it’s suppose to be designed to do. For the price at the time, it was a steal. However now, I have a couple choices. First being to replace the damaged part which is stretched and torn, it could set me back half the price of a dodgy charger. Second option would be to buy something new and probably more reliable than something that came from China in a brown box. She’s an old laptop, I’m not giving up on her because she’s old and battered.

While looking into replacement parts, I decided to Google for PC builders. And for under $1000, I could potentially get a computer that can outpace my computer right now. However the problem is my mentality of keeping everything until it breaks. At the moment as I look at my 8 year old PC, she’s stilling going strong. She might make some noises that worry me, but she’s holding on. I can run all the games I like on her. Only downfall is size and quality. If I had a better GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), I would record my gameplay on a higher quality. A better GPU I think would require a better motherboard, which means a whole new CPU. So for the price of half of my computer’s value, I could get one that’s either on par or way better for years to come. However this is where I draw the line. I don’t have enough money to save up and anything I’m saving now is going toward hopefully moving out someday. In the end I know I’m going to need more than just this job at the moment to keep me on track.

Laying in all my current frustrations, I’m not quite sure what to make of all of this. If this is nothing, then it will pass. In this mood, I feel anger, sadness and melodrama; I need another voice besides my own to sort me out. Until next time, sort me out.

In Desperate Times

Lots of dark chapters in human history. There are some we seem to glance over, exemplify or never recognize its significance. Coming towards a crises as a mind species, we could easily reflect on our actions but legitimize the plans we make for the future. The Europeans though it would be nice to have a fast trade route to Asia and Hitler wanted Germany out of debt, how can we predict a good action from a bad action?

As a child and teenager, I was always told “If you cannot remember the past, you are doomed to repeat it.” Only a very few phrases have ever stuck to me to shape the person I would become. I took history as a class an course through my school so I remember those pictures, those written experience; to remember what humanity has done onto itself. The troubling fact is I don’t remember myself. I don’t remember my childhood all that well and frankly, the parts I do remember terrify me and have scarred me. When people reminisce about their upbringing and ask to share my tale, I have to resort to two actions. Should I lie or tell the truth? One hand it would sound believable while the other will sounds either irrelevant or even people think I made it up. Fact of the matter, it’s a choice to say either but only one is the solid truth. The truth is never the right nor wrong answer, the truth is simply itself. Right and wrong is a judgement call from a third party bias. We distinguish right and wrong from what other’s tell us is right and wrong. This is the basis of law, is it not? It is the institution of drawing the thinnest line between good and bad and gets people to ensure we all stay on one side of this line and to always respect the line. As thin as you can draw the line, the easier for it to fade away and we see that in many ways. Is it murder when you do it self defence? How about if you do CPR on someone and they die? If you pushed someone out of harm’s way and accidently touched the inappropriately, would that be considered sexual assault? We do have laws in place of the exceptions but in my opinion, even with exceptions it would be in some cases an unbelievable tale to tell.

Within those split seconds to react to protect other, what is the overriding factor? In which instances are we more inclined for self preservation or peer preservation? Say generically we a thief who stole from you, would you rather have him steal money, food or your possessions? For whatever you picked if you caught him and explained himself, would you believe they were stealing to support themselves or their family? Now place yourself in the thief’s position; you are caught and you tell them the truth, do you think they would believe you?

Over the past week, I have hidden a truth to the world. I am at the breaking point where I am re-evaluating all the fundamental principles I was born and raised with to hopefully legitimize my next action. Back into a circle where two phrases stay in my mind; “This is bad” because all I learned go against these actions, “I need this to survive” because my current situation doesn’t allow me to think conventionally anymore. I am at a crisis where I will have to toss the rulebook aside and do what I have to do to survive or I might potentially die. If these actions are taken, I could get in trouble and void the opportunities I want to have for myself but I would live to keep moving on. In my mind, I wasn’t given the luxury to think in a grey zone. It has to be black or white, yes or no, do or die. Even my actions my seem small compared to others, some will have the comfort of thinking outside of my situation and find me as a misfit, a person on the opposite of the thin line. No matter what I did or what I say, I will be guilty and consequences will be made for a small action I committed because I chose to live one more day to work towards a better future. In essence, death is the only “right” answer at the moment but to me it is “wrong” answer.

In desperate times, do I choose slow death or survival? By the book or out with the book? Civility or necessity? These are the questions I am facing, real consequences affecting me as person and member of society.

Specking IRL

In video games, especially in MMO’s, specking is a way if life. The purpose to be best of the best; either to be the most swift, the most smart or the most strong. Which would explain why everyone looks alike in their equipment, either to counter weakness or amplify their strengths. As I grow older, it seems to me this fact slowly holds true in many vectors in living.

Must like video games, modern society focuses on learning a set of skills or possess particular knowledge akin to skills and attributes. When you go to school at a young age, it’s merely the tutorial to the real world. It should be teaching things to talk to other people and complete certain tasks. Over time you begin to do these things regularly in different settings and with speed. Then you get into university, that’s where you specialize into doing something in the group. This institution is the two to six years where you pick you class, archetype or specialization. After that with much hope and debt, you are thrown into the open world with other newbies and seasoned veterans. It this ultimate massively open world experience; you get no respawns and rerolls, reputation and social groups matter, and the choice to add more specializations at a cost.

Choosing something for yourself in this game may be difficult but like any MMO, it’s based on what you want. If you want a life of brute labour, focus mainly on a strength build of lifting weights and running. If you want to be more brain than brawn, tapping out data and equations; then calculus and mathematics should be something you should really concentrate. If you stay the course, you would do fairly well. Those who decide to backtrack and choose something else, it can get difficult. Without the safety of a tutorial environment, you would have to learn on the go. If you wind up in a grind, you wouldn’t have just bored to deal with; some people just can’t handle it and would just get fed up.

As a person with a intelligence build who is more into a physical build, here’s my advice to anyone still in tutorial. Find something. Pick something you are good at and go with it. If you can think fast then find something more fast pace. You like to lift? Then pick a laborious workfield. Want to stick to something you like to enjoy? Stick to it. Disregard what other people say to you that you won’t make money or whatever, screw them all. People want you to have a intelligence build and all you want is agility with some strength, then agility and strength. It is up to you to make those choices to get you the right build. When you get it right, things will be easy. Get it wrong? Well…let’s hope you enjoy a longer grind to the top than you think.

Dating a Gamer – The Insider Guide

[Left in a lot of euphemisms, enjoy!]

This week, we’re going to be a bit light on the subject and approach a topic I don’t talk to anyone about; mainly because I have no one to really talk to about things, hooray loneliness! With how prevalent gaming culture is now, it’s best to lay down the line about going to pick up someone who is a gamer just like you. If not like you, then picking a gamer to be that special somebody in your life. Like any good RPG, there will be ups and downs filled with dungeons of demons and dragons in the hopes your reward was worth the quest (Can this sentence get any dorkier?).

As a note, I’m not a dating expert; I’m a gamer. I take from my personal experience to help you if you are confused or unsure. Results may vary since people’s personalities vary, this is to help you and not all necessarily get you hooked up with anyone. 

Let’s Play

On top of how you fine that special someone, a new complexity reaches when the person says “I like to play games” and “I’m a gamer”. It might sound like a turn off, but I find video games are the best way to learn about someone. Much like learning their hobbies and interests, video games can be a great indicator of their personality. Approaching someone with the question should be around the same time you ask about their interests and hobbies. Now, don’t freak out that you don’t know any of the titles they’re mouthing off, feel free to ask them about it and you can totally just Google it later.

When you bring up the topic of video games, there can be two reactions; ecstatic or passive to the topic. If they seem to come back with the “Meh, games are okay.” kind of response, you got a lamer. They’re not into games but they have no opinion on it (or they do but they just want something else, I’ll let you figure that one out). To me, these people are way to active to play video games; totally understandable, we all need something else.

If they’re really interested, they would probably tell you their favourite games and all that. Good indication, they are committed to one thing. If you’re looking for a long term relationship, commitment is good right?

Choose Your Own Adventure

Now when it comes to their favourite games, they usually stick around for a reason. The game will always fall under a certain genre, much like music or movies. It can tell a lot about someone based on the games they stick to or are currently being played.

If this special someone like MMO’s, they’re usually seeking social interactions and a sense of belonging. Depending how often they play these games, they want to be sociable with some control.

Shooters are the equivalent of your adrenaline junkies. They seek a short thrill and they want those quick amazing moments. As one of them, definitely you want more and more until you get burned out.

Strategists whether they play in real time or turn based, these people really like to plan it out before they execute it. Total control for the right results. Plan and then execute. Careful where you make you move because they will make their move.

Roleplayers like to be in their own world and play their own parts. Self control comes from doing deed for the comrades around them. They can get fairly creative sometimes (Bow chicka wow wow).

Indie gamers are a toss up. Those I’ve met have been a bit of everything; hipsters to mainstream gamers. These people usually are looking for something outside their comfort zone and open to new ideas and concepts. They want change and want to find the small and special gem.

Tank or Spank?

There are two “streams” in gamers; competitive and co-operative gamers. All gamers possess both but one will be the most dominate. There is no both or none; even lone wolf gamers, they are competitive because they want to be good by themselves. Competitive gamers strive to be better than all and would try to do whatever it takes to be the best and on top (Wink wink nudge nudge).  Cooperative players usually put the team before themselves, they rather watch your back than be alone. They are committed to being one with the team than running solo.


After all it’s said and done, knowing if someone is a gamer can be the easiest way to find out more about themselves than through other hobbies or interests. Opens up to know what their personality is like. However as a note of caution like any human being, a gamer has their flaws. They will range from person to person, but usually it’s obvious depending how much video games they play. Sometimes they can be hyper focused on games, but that’s the risk you take. Only way to really date a gamer is to be a bit of a gamer yourself. You don’t have to be totally involved to it or into it, just contribute a little and they will contribute back.

Each gamer has their flaws so watch for pitfalls and explosive barrels. Be committed to the plan or leave the game. Most of all, enjoy it and take every little bit of loot you get. When you find the right one, make sure you’re both geared up for the best two-man raid of a lifetime.

Week 3: Mo’ Gear, Mo’ Problems

Week number three, still no internet at home. I’ve played about 20 hours of Minecraft in week 2, planning to cut back in week 3. This week, I wrote this blog post day by day so some of the grammar may be off since I was writing in the moment.

Sunday, early in the morning I couldn’t put myself asleep. So I went to Sobeys near my house which is open 24/7. Bought myself some junk food and a tub of peanuts, BBQ flavoured to be exact. I felt pretty terrible for a guy who popped in at four in the morning. Tired but unable to sleep, I shambled my way home. As I walked, I looked off to side of street; trashmen tossing and dumping bags into the trucks, a dull silver shimer off the streetlight shine. Flat under a mound ofplastics and yesterday’s machinery, laid a laptop. Unfolding it, I found it to be in mint condition. To my excitement, I snatched it from the trash and held carried it, backpack full of food and junk in both hands. Quickly, I rushed to plug it in as though I found someone clinging to life just breaths away from death. As I turned it on, the silent rev of the optical disk chimed to me a sign. Then another, the BIOS lit up. Then nothingness, in the eerie black glow of the screen; nothing. The muffled hum of the fan embedded inside the chassis. As from the darkness, a spark appeared; not from twithin the room, but from the recesses of my mind. The hard drive is wiped, install an operating system to fix. I scrounge my box of CD’s for Windows and Ubuntu on USB. Popped in the Windows and circumnavigated the device for the USB port, I switched boot priority to boot up the drive first before the USB and before the hard drive. Time to finish and repartition windows, under one hour. Ubuntu, to be continued.

The goal and intent for my new device will be focused on experimenting with Linux more closely. I’ve used Windows all my life and I really want to see how Linux fares with my digital lifestyle sans video games. I kind of want it to be a hub for most of my online stuff like blogging and chatting. Also I always though purple is a neat colour for a background. Of course Windows will be there with my full array of utilities to keep it clean and running (once I get my stuff installed).

I must admit aside from the aesthetic damage and missing F8 key, it works fine (F8 even works too!) I know, who throws away a perfectly working laptop? All I know is, I own a laptop now so I’m pretty happy despite not having Internet at home.

In the late Sunday sun, I tried to remain as productive with the laptop. Still without Ubuntu, it’s safe my copy on the USB is a dud. I focused on finding the software I need plus some replacement parts. The battery is dead so it won’t keep a charge. The charger is taped up somewhat with electrical tape and seems to have been bitten by a small animal. I forgot during Sunday, the part shops are closed until Monday or at least closes early at 5 or 6. I spent my time then just looking around for adapters and getting to a wi-fi access point. I did reach a Starbucks and spent a good three hours bring my computer up to speed Window-side. Updates, utilities and an antivirus suite (which I have to register and update). I still have to load onto it an office suite. My default choice is OpenOffice, if anyone knows some others leave a comment! Then I have put in some file compression software, either it will be WinRAR or 7Zip. Optionally, Live Writer for WordPress but I kind of want something else. Let me know if there are other free alternative out there, thanks!

Ubuntu’s a different territory. I don’t know what’s good and what’s not. But as an overview, it seems Ubuntu comes with everything I need besides a firewall and antivirus. I’ll trust my gut somewhere, there are apps I can read reviews and such. Maybe run some blogging gear on there too to try her out. Maybe some games too, but I think it’s more of a workstation than my desktop. My desktop is a graphics gorilla, tablet’s my table tabby cat, so my laptop is my Linux lynx? For those who might want to know, Linux installation is a two to four step process. I did it once and fudged my pen drive version so take it from a newbie, take it slow and follow the instructions to the letter. This time, I downloaded the USB installer they recommended on the site and the image file will be the first job Monday.

I think the second computer will help me understand the networking bits of Windows. Especially how to transfer system to system through a local network as well as setting up a hub to allow a home sharing network. Though it might not help much, I would want to apply what I know from home networking to connect a few computers together to make a neat module workstation or entertainment system. Imagine the knowledge I gain to hook up a TV to a computer relaying the games from another computer. That would be kind of sweet especially turning a PC into a console or a PVR-like device.

Monday, I finally had Ubuntu on here but had some difficulties. At first it was nothing but as I added updates to her, she seemed a bit more sluggish. The ordeal resulted into backstepping my decision over Ubuntu, so now sticking with Ubuntu on a Live USB in case I ever want to enjoy the purple loading screen and maybe try my hand at Ubuntu. For now as more experience into Linux, I must say I’m starting to understand where certain things are in the system. The one thing I can only complain about is the hard drive partitioning when it tells you to move a slider to increase the space where you want to install. There is no definition of which side is for Windows and which is for Ubuntu. Looks like I have a quarter terabyte to Windows 7.

Guess now is to add the goodies like Live Writer and some cleaning solution to the screen and covers. After looking at my power adapter, it’s safe to say I might need another one in case ghis thing starts to be more of a fire and health hazard. Though the battery is dead, I can deem it secondary since I won’t be getting a lot of power for mobility. Who knows, maybe I salvage those two from two dead laptops someday?

I know decals might be a bit cliche and might be expensive for a 4 year old banged up and salvaged laptop but I think they might look cool. Maybe get a large WordPress logo or some dorky phrase. I like things that could represent me or my lifestyle.

March is going to be a project heavy month even if it’s halfway done. After the laptop situation is done, I have to drag my butt to the library to get a lot of writing done. I’m considering on submitting to this writting contest. From what I remember, first prize is $2000 and second place is a laptop (I know I salvaged one, but I could give it away or sell it; I need the money anyways or at least a better laptop). It a small amount of money but for the time and effort, it does seem reasonable. I’ve written short stories and bits of lyrics, as long there is no limit and no topic; there is no stopping the imagination. Writing project, commence!

Tuesday rolled by fairly quick. I spent the majority holed up in a cafe for 6 hours with hardly much to show for it. I had to make a lot more updates and upgrade to Service Pack 1. That took some doing since I had connection problems with the shop’s wi-fi. Spent a good hour and a half restarting my computer because of how the updates work. Spending no time on story writing, after and between shenanigans I tried to write a story. Turned out when finished it was about 350 words. Tried another, still was hovering around 350. I think spending so much time trying to summarize work and writing my blog has put me into a subconscious mentality. Wednesday if I can, we’re breaking the that mold; 400 words! We must and shall break barriers and do crazy things like how I play Grand Theft Auto; jump off bridges, push pedestrians in front of trains, sex with prostitutes then “getting a refund”! Okay, not doing that in real life; but you know what I mean, crazy off the wall stuff. Before I sat down at the coffee shop, I got around to looking for power adapters. Seems like I can only buy generic for a low price of 30-40 dollars for an adapter that may or may not fit in terms of the input and output power. Which sucks considering all the laptops that are potentionally thrown out, then the probability of those laptops which has an original mint condition power adapter for this Toshiba. Then again, it would be a small business if you have a supply of trashed laptops and computer parts. Clean then up and put at the working parts together, boom! Bob’s your uncle a new (ish) computer. Huh, maybe find some small computer store and offer a business proposition and get a small cut.

Wednesday rolled by being less productive than Tuesday. I had to trek downtown to grab a bus ticket to the States, meeting up with someone special in May. Apparently Greyhound does not offer early bird discounts anymore, but a lot of online discounts though. Without a secure internet connection and a credit card, I’m stuck with the option of a one way trip costing up to 100 bucks with a couple stops in New York. With such a lost, I spent the day at a local Starbucks with a hot chocolate and a tea that I got from 7-11. Surfed the internet and began writing story #3, hopefully this writing contest accepts multiple submissions. I could write a poem but it would seem kind of cheesy or short for a writing piece. At least I’m diversifying my writing portfolio. On the laptop side of things, I’m thinking of hiding the scratches on my laptop cover. Probably with some stickers or something, I kind of want to freely personalize it so people know who’s behind the that laptop. You guy know who might have free stickers or decals? Maybe customizable sticks and decals? Comment below and let me know, I live in the Toronto area so send me addresses too; thanks in advance.

Interesting news, I might get a home connection after almost a month. My family called up a small ISP and they’re having a cable on Friday; same day this post is published. I hope it goes smoothly since I need the Internet back. I miss Star Trek Online, I miss the experience of Steam, I miss porn (okay; not really). This pass few weeks I learned a lot of things about stuff and myself, stuff school would not necessarily teach. Like for one thing, intercity bus tickets are wicked expensive especially going over the border. What about stupid people toss out computer stuff since they can’t fix it? And the most important lesson of all; in a digital culture, Wi-fi is easy to come by whether it’s a McDonald’s, Starbucks or your local library! But for now on a Thursday, I got to get back to my 400 word story goal and maybe start a few poems.

The library I’m at is kind enough to let me use the study room a bit close to closing so the Micky’s about a 10 minute walk away should help me finish this story. The more I spend inside the green study room, the more I think about my past and how much I messed it up. I know I can’t go back and change it but I sometimes get this weird feeling gnawing at me that this isn’t right. Anyways, moving to the Micky’s with 100 words remaining.

Aha! Achievement Unlocked: Pathetic Accomplishment! I got myself a hefty meal and sat myself down and started to hammer away at the keys. After a solid 30 minutes, I got in only 30 words. To be fair, I deleted a couple paragraphs because it didn’t go anywhere. After an hour since I arrived, I was 10 short. Ten words! So I decided to push in some words here and there. There we go, 417 words. Now time to sit and celebrate with some fries and a burger, maybe think of some themes for poems.

Almost midnight, still nothing on poems so I decided to write up a travel brief for my family and let them know my itinerary for this trip in May and information in case they ask. My family is weird since I seem to be the only person that’s treated like a child. Like I need my butt wiped after every bowel movement. So best to avoid my family on this subject and subjects pertaining to this trip. I’m going because I’m going and that’s enough information. Also just got the word, congrats Pope Francis. I’m not religious or Catholic, but good job.

So here’s what happened since 12 am. I got home and just played Minecraft for 6 hours. No serious projects in there, just goofing around and accumulating vast amounts of materials. Also I started to brew some potions since my new save file has a building already up. It’s big; its got a big bedroom, a kitchen, storage room, a patio (still in construction) and an enchanting library (under construction). So I built this safe room down inside a local abandoned mineshaft, which happens to be in walking distance to a zombie spawner. I’m thinking of turning a zombie villager so I can have access to emeralds or at least a guy who can sell me stuff. I’ll probably fence him off in my safe room so I have that entire area pretty much set to service the Nether room and my “big bang” project. Oh right, the Nether room! So in the labyrinth of tunnels from those who were here before, I found a neat spot to set up another safe room and a Nether portal. It’s kind of Stargate-y but it works. I have the safe rooms set up to hold supplies and grow food and the portal is located far away from everything I’ve built. However not too far away that I would spent too much time walking. Also I just phased out coal as a fuel considering lava is damn plentiful in the Nether. Pick it up with a bucket and cook or smelt 64 of anything easy. Lots of things to do in Minecraft, so much so that I’m considering on abandoning my old world. Though it has an epic library, a tavern and the highest thing I have built; I think I feel comfortable being out in this tundra biome surrounded by plains and frozen rivers. Though resources are drying up slowly, I’ve found a lot of caves and caverns full of minerals, all I need to do is make a bunch of torch and light them up. I found some lava pools when I started playing, maybe it’s time to empty them by cooking a lot of food and smelting cobblestone to make some stone blocks. Maybe start a new town here.

Well, cable guy showed up. Did his thing while I got myself out of bed. I was brushing my teeth when I realized something sucky about the situation. There is one ethernet cable connection from the modem that is not wireless capable and I have 2 wireless devices. I guess my Playbook’s got the short stick for being totally wireless. I can always bend over and pull the cord from one to another. Lot of work but at least my crap-ular laptop can get some digital loving. I’m not much of a techie, but the word network comes into mind. Maybe scavenge for a network router like how I stumbled on a good laptop.

That’s all for this week. Next week, I get internet back? (Well, I just spoiled it) Feel free to comment and help me out with suggestions on stickers, decals, networking and stuff. See you all next week!

Posted from WordPress via Blackberry Playbook…or wasn’t it?